We get it. Sometimes, you have a magic 8 ball in your hand, you feel like asking it a question and spinning it, but you don’t know what to ask. Happens to (almost) everyone.
What questions do you ask the Magic 8 Ball? We’ve got a list of 170+ questions to ask your Magic 8 Ball, to get started or on one of your more free days.
Perhaps, reading them will give you a better idea of what you really want to ask him. At the end of the article, we also have a top Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for all your nagging concerns with your Magic 8 Ball.
What kind of Questions do you ask a Magic 8 Ball?
To make it easier for you, we are Divided Them into six major sections –
Six Major Sections
Let’s dive into each of these sections. These questions are our own compilation – a starter kit for you to develop many more!

Funny Questions
Let’s start with a laugh. These questions are all about embracing your silly side & having some fun with your magic 8 ball. From celebrities to magical powers these questions are sure to put a smile on your face.
who knows Maybe your 8-ball has a sense of humor too! So go ahead, give it a shake and see what weird answers you get to these hilarious questions:
- Should I be looking for a better source for my answers?
- Will I get up and get something done today?
- Will I marry a millionaire?
- Will Angeline Jolie marry me?
- Will I bump into Brad Pitt today?
- Will my crush walk by my window today?
- Will I live next to Eddie Murphy?
- Will I be a boss like steve corell in The Office?
- Will I dream about my future tonight?
- Will Justin Bieber drive me to work?
- Can I ever be a stand-up comedian?
- Will the rainbow ever have 12 colors?
- Will Jennifer Lopez call me?
- Will Harry Potter give me his glasses?
- Will I ever be as smart as Hermoine in Harry Potter?
- When will Ron cut his hair in Harry Potter?
- Am I a funny person?
- Will I ever be able to learn German?
- Can I stop time and not grow old?
- Can Chuck Norris become a Hulk?
- Will I ever loose weight?
- Will my jeans ever become loose on me?
- Does Micheal Jordan own a green T-shirt?
- Will I ever be able to make my own pizza?
- Will all the traffic signals be green today?
- Does the Magic 8 Ball end up in the trash if it doesn’t give me the answer I want?
School and University Questions
Feeling stuck in school dilemmas? Your Magic 8 Ball may just have your answers From exam jitters to crushing confusion, here are some of the questions rocking your academic life:
- Will I sit beside my best friend in math today?
- Will there be a surprise test day in English tomorrow?
- Will I pass my mid-terms?
- Should I choose Medicine as my pre-requisite for senior school?
- Will my soccer team win this season?
- Should I bet on my football team this semester?
- Will the History teacher be absent today?
- Will the last years history teacher teach us again this year?
- Will our seating be shuffled again in class today?
- Will it be too obvious if I ask my teacher to sit me next to my crush in class today?
- Am I in the right High School/University?
- Will my best friend come in today?
- Should I go back to School to complete my education?
- Should I return to formal education and persue my Masters Degree?
- I got accepted into two colleges. Should I follow my heart or where my friends are going?
- Can I bring my grades up?
- Will be able to pass the exam this semester?
- Will I be able to get a higher education?
- Will I be able to improve my concentrate and study for the Social Science final?
- Is today the right time to tell my parents that I failed my last Math Exam?
- Will I get admission in the college of my choice this year?
- Will college boost my career?
- Can I become famous in college?
- Should I choose to be part of the cheerleading team?
- Should I opt to become a part of the football team?
- Should I get an internship this summer?
- Will I get the scholarship this year?
- Will I be able to get better grades than my competitor, (insert name of competitor), this year?
- Should I go abroad for my high school?
- Should I apply to other countries too for my undergraduate studies?
Work and Career Questions
Wondering about your next move of career? Let’s see what the Magic 8 Ball has to say about your professional future, Whether you’re dreaming big or just trying to get through the workday, try these questions:
- Will I get a promotion at work this year?
- Will I get the job of my dreams?
- Will my boss call in sick today?
- Will I get a salary increase this year?
- I feel inventive and lucky this year. Should I quit my job and find a more fulfilling job?
- Will things go well with my manager at work today?
- Should I accept the job promotion today?
- Will my new colleagues ever stop seeing me as their junior and take me seriously?
- Is next year a good time to retire?
- Should I relocate for the new job offer?
- Should I accept the new job offer?
- Should I start looking for new job options now?
- Will my new relationship interfere with my career?
- Should I go out for lunch break today?
- Will I get a job soon?
- Can I become a famous musician?
- Will I ever become a famous actress?
- Do I have any future in professional sport?
- Will be able to get a job abroad?
- A music label is offering me a contract. Should I accept it?
- A friend asked me to be his business partner. Is it a good idea?
- Should I launch a new business this year?
- Can I trust my new business partner?
- Should I hire the new candidate that I interviewed today?
- Will we make the sales deal today?
- Will me new handmade products business be successful?
Family and Relationship Questions
Love, crushes, breakups, and family drama – the Magic 8 Ball’s got answers for all your heart’s burning questions! Whether you’re wondering about your current flame, an ex who won’t quit, or if you’ll ever find “the one,” these questions will help you navigate the twists and turns of your love life.
Just remember, the Magic 8 Ball isn’t a relationship counselor, so take its advice with a grain of salt and a lot of laughs. Ready to dive into the wild world of the love and family? Let’s see what the mystical sphere has to say!
- Am I in love with my girlfriend?
- Will we ever get a dog? OR Should we get a dog?
- Is my girlfriend cheating on me?
- Are my parents making the right decision for me?
- Will my parents wake up tonight when I sneak out?
- Will my crush be at the part today?
- When will my boyfriend tell me he loves me?
- Does my boyfriend really love me?
- Will I ever find the real love of my life?
- Am I going to start a new relationship soon?
- Will I be single in this new year?
- Is there anyone loving me secretly?
- Do you think the connection I felt today with someone new will lead to something more?
- When will I meet my once-in-a-lifetime soulmate?
- I met someone online and was asked on a real date. Should I accept?
- How often will I meet a compatible partner?
- Do I already know my future boyfriend?
- Should I tell my crush today about my feelings?
- I went on a date last week. He promised to text me but still hasn’t. Should I contact him first?
- Will we ever be more than just friends?
- Is my ex my soulmate?
- Will it be a good idea for me to get back together with my ex?
- Is my ex seeing someone new now?
- Will I restore myself soon after my breakup?
- Will my ex contact me today?
- Is it possible for me and my ex to become good friends?
- Does my ex-girlfriend still love me?
- Should I move in with my partner?
- Should I agree to a long-distance relationship?
- Should I go out on a date today?
Wealth and Fortune Questions
Dreaming of striking it rich or just curious about your financial future? The Magic 8 Ball might not be able to print money, but it can sure give you some entertaining answers about your wallet!
From winning the lottery to making smart investments these questions cover all your money related curiosities. Just don’t use it as your financial advisor – that might not end well! So, shake that ball and let’s see if fortune favors you today!
- Will I become a billionaire or a millionaire one day?
- Is there enough money in my future?
- Will I get sudden luck or lottery luck?
- Should I give money to charity?
- Is it a good time to invest?
- Can I be financially independent of my family?
- Should I save more?
- Will I have enough money to buy my own home or car someday?
- Should I start saving up for college now?
- Will I receive an inheritance?
- Will the flow of money in my life be enough?
- Will I win a lottery ticket today?
- Will I win a lottery ticket this year?
Karma and Destiny Questions
Ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Or maybe you are just wondering what fate has in store for you? These questions dive into the mysterious realms of karma, destiny & personal growth.
Whether you’re pondering life’s big questions or just trying to decide if today’s the day for that new haircut, your Magic 8 Ball is ready to offer its mystical guidance.
So go ahead, give it a shake, and see what the cosmos has to say about your future!
- Does my future hold anything big?
- Can I expect anything exciting in my life soon?
- Does destiny love me?
- Will I be able to discover myself spiritually this year?
- Is this my ultimate destiny?
- Am I here to learn from life?
- Do people like being around me?
- Am I a difficult person?
- Should I focus on my personal growth this year?
- Should I seek to enhance my relationships this year?
- Do I have the Ability to become a good leader?
- Do I potential in clairvoyance?
- Do I have good intuition?
- Will my dream come true?
- Should I believe my latest dream?
- Will I be able to motivate myself today?
- Will things around me begin to improve this week?
- Do I have bad luck?
- When will things improve?
- Can I expect any surprises this week?
- Should I wear red today?
- Do I have extra luck today?
- Should I bike to work today?
- Should I wake up early morning?
- Should I stop worrying about tomorrow morning and enjoy my sleep?
- Should I go to the party tomorrow?
- Should I get a new dress for tomorrow’s party?
- Should I ask my crush if he is attending the party tomorrow?
- Do I need to pay more attention this week?
- Is it time to relocate?
- Should I re-decorate my house this week?
- Should I stay in my current country or think about moving?
- Will the party I’m throwing this weekend go well?
- Will my new guests enjoy the weekend?
- Is this the right day to go shopping?
- Is this the best time to go travelling?
- Should I get a new haircut?
- I have my tattoo designed and ready. Should I finish it this weekend?
- I’ve wanted to become vegan for a long time. Is this the right time to switch?
- Will I someday have the body of my dreams?
- Should I have dinner right now?
- Should I go for a walk today?
- Should I call my neighbor to see if she wants to go for a walk today?
- Should I apologize to my friend for our fight last night?
Top 25 FAQ
Top 25 Questions that are mostly commonly asked of a Magic 8 Ball:
- Will I marry a millionaire?
- Will I dream about my future tonight?
- Will I ever be able to learn German?
- Will I ever loose weight?
- Will I pass my mid-terms?
- Should I choose Medicine as my pre-requisite for senior school?
- Will my soccer team win this season?
- Will I get admission in the college of my choice this year?
- Will college boost my career?
- Will I get a promotion at work this year?
- Will I get the job of my dreams?
- Will I get a salary increase this year?
- Should I accept the new job offer?
- Should I start looking for new job options now?
- Will I get a job soon?
- Am I in love with my girlfriend?
- Will we ever get a dog?
- Will my crush be at the party today?
- Will I ever find the real love of my life?
- Am I going to start a new relationship soon?
- Will I become a billionaire or a millionaire one day?
- Will I have enough money to buy my own home or car someday?
- Will I win a lottery ticket this year?
- Does my future hold anything big?
- Will my dream come true?
So there you have it – a big list of fun questions to ask your Magic 8 Ball! Whether you are curious about your school, work, love, or just want a good laugh this little toy has got you covered.
Remember, the Magic 8 Ball is all about having a good time and maybe getting a little push to follow your gut. Don’t take its answers too seriously – after all, it’s just a toy! But who knows?
Maybe it’ll surprise you with some spot-on advice now and then. So go ahead, give your Magic 8 Ball a shake and see what the future holds. Who knows what exciting answers you might get?
Reference 1: Mental Floss “A Brief History of the Magic 8 Ball”
Reference 2: “Timeless Toys: Classic Toys and the Playmakers Who Created Them” by Time Walsh
Reference 3: From Abba to Zoom: A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century By David Mansour