Absolutely. Once you find someone you feel a connection with, keep it. It will get you through your best and worst times. It will be your favorite companion.
But is the magic 8 ball really magic? Yes, indeed it is. This is a remarkable device. When used with intention, anything can become an inspirational tool. Interestingly, the Magic 8 Ball was also originally inspired by a spirit writing device.
Almost like the Philosopher’s Stone from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, or as Sir Isaac Newton called it, Sophik Mercury, a human can turn any dark colored stone into pure gold.
Because, if you believe in it, anything is possible. Right?
What is Magic?
Before we dive into the magical powers (or not?) of the Magic 8 Ball, let’s talk a little about the concept of magic itself.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the term magic refers to “a mode of reasoning or way of thinking that relies on invisible forces to influence events, effect change in material conditions, or create the illusion of change.”

Within most traditions and beliefs, this way of thinking is distinct from religious or scientific methods.
The main goal of the occult phenomenon is the acquisition of knowledge, power, love, or wealth; cure or remove disease or danger; a guarantee of productivity or success in an endeavor; disclose confidential information; Or, to have fun.
The effectiveness of magic, indeed, depends on the power of belief in the unknown – which is believed to be access to unseen forces and special manipulation of those forces.
The Anthropological and Psychological Standing of Magic
Belief in magic is a fundamental aspect of the human mind – an unconscious belief in the supernatural. Research also shows how engaging in magical thinking can enhance cognitive function, such as creative thinking, cognition and memory.
Anthropology sees magic as a social phenomenon. The eminent psychologist, Sigmund Freuds influential theory of magic was that a wish or intention made with the strongest conviction automatically leads to the fulfillment of the desired end.
The Elements of Magic
To better understand the concept of magic, we break it down into its three major elements, which can be categorized as follows:
- Rituals
- Materials
- Functions
We looked briefly at the four elements of magic, according to the phenomenon in itself.
Rituals: Traditionally, the performance of magic involves words, symbolic numbers, and/or ritual actions that are believed to draw power from spiritual entities to accomplish magic.
Magicians, like priests presiding over religious rites, observe restrictions on food or sexual activity to separate ritual from mundane and profane activities and infuse it with sanctity.
Materials: Materials, or what the anthological literature refers to as medicines, include herbs, potions or liquids, gemstones, and/or sacred objects believed to be powerful in themselves or are empowered through rituals.
For example, the Zande tribe of South Sudan keeps a stone in the fork of a tree to delay sunset.
Functions: Magic plays an important and expressive role in society. It exists to influence nature and achieve successful results in human behavior.
Its function exists from the symbolic and social meaning attached to its practice – it provides a sense of identity, strength and power.
Do you believe in Magic?
As a whole, magic is inseparable from the system of thought, belief and practice in any society, tradition or religion.
All three elements help us further understand that sometimes all you need is the strength within yourself and some faith to see and create magic yourself.
It is, fundamentally, about believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can accomplish anything.
Lewis Carroll, creator of the magical world of Alice in Wonderland, put it more succinctly than anyone else: “You know what’s wrong with the world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, but everyone refuses to believe in it.”
“What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.”
Harry Houdini
The Power of the Unknown
Basically, the universe exists in magic. There’s magic in even the most mundane things if you believe in it – the inexplicable connections we feel with objects and people, the moments of synchronicity, the answers we hear in whispers when We are at the most difficult point in life.

The power of the unknown is just that – it’s the unlimited power within you that creates life beyond your wildest dreams.
It’s about empowering belief systems that lead to success, correct answer. It is confidence and success.
And finally, it can be many unexpected ‘aha’ moments when the magic 8 ball gives us the answer we want to hear, the answer we imagined.
The one that the universe sought out from us when we asked with full willingness to listen.
The magic that is the Magic 8 Ball
“It’s a simple, self-contained, self-explanatory item that plays into something we’re all curious about—the future,” said Mike Drake, special projects director at Mezco Toyz and a renowned toy expert.

Is A Magic 8 Ball Really Magic? Yes, the Magic 8 Ball is magic. And no, the Magic 8 Ball isn’t just a toy.
The magic lies within the user of the Magic 8 Ball – his actions, intentions and willingness to believe what he sees.
The Magic 8 Ball may look like a simple little pyramidal object that floats freely inside a glass or plastic bubble filled with a dark liquid. And it is.
But he also has all the wisdom of the universe at his disposal if you want to see it.
So why hesitate? Put all those important questions on it and believe what you see. Feel secure in the knowledge that the right decision has been made for you with unwavering accuracy.
Believe in it and the Universe will create for you the magic that is the Magic 8 Ball.
Final Thought
Everything is conscious. You can be a token for any event and just wait for a response.
Or you can be guided by everything around you – how you feel, the morning clouds, your gut feeling and yes of course, even a Magic 8 Ball.
You Can Also Learn How to Ask Magic 8 Ball With Proper Guide And Tips and Tricks
Reference 1: Britannica “Magic: Supernatural Phenomenon”
Reference 2: Frontiers in Psychology “A framework for using magic to study the mind”
Reference 3: Sage Journals “The Belief in Magic in the Age of Science”
Reference 4: From Abba to Zoom: A Pop Culture Encyclopedia of the Late 20th Century By David Mansour
Reference 5 – Totem and Taboo, book by Sigmund Freud. Published in 1913